Sunday, September 8, 2013

NFL Kickoff

I’m a huge Cleveland Browns fan and have been since I was about 6 years old. Unfortunately for me, the Browns have had no success at all the past couple decades. And by none I mean, as close to zero as possible. Yet I still approach every year as most Browns fans do; with stupid amounts of hope that this year might be the year.

You know, the year the team actually has a winning record.

This year features a new coaching staff, new ownership, and new philosophy in gameplanning. However, all the experts are expecting one thing to remain the same: the Browns will lose more games than they win.

Probably. Okay, it’s likely.

I hate to admit the truth about the team but it’s okay, I’ll still be watching the game every Sunday.  We’ve still got Joe Thomas, T-Rich, and Joe Haden. And while I know the chances are good I’ll spend more days in a funk due to a loss than I will in ecstasy due to a win, at least I will enjoy watching my team play every week.

Football is about fun, after all. And if it stops being fun I’ll stop watching it.